【同义词辨析】 2018-03-22 节制temperance-continence

temperance: implies habitual moderation and the exercise of discretion in ANY activity; in reference to the use of intoxicating beverages, it implies not moderation BUT abstention: exercise ~ in all activities.

sobriety: suggests avoidance of excess, often specifically of the excess of drinking that leads to intoxication, it may also connotes seriousness and avoidance of ostentaion: a sect noted for its ~ of dress.

abstinence: implies VOLUNTARY deprivation:practiced ~ when it came to dessert.

abstemiousness: implies habitual self-restraint, moderation, frugality,esp. in eating or drinking:lived a life of frugality and ~.

continence: emphasized self-restraint in regard to impulses and desires: a style of writing marked by ~ and craft; it finds its typical application in regard to sexual indulgence, where it may imply EITHER complete chastity OR avoidance of excess: a society that encouraged ~ in all its members.

temperance: 可指任何方面习惯性不过量谨慎,用于饮酒时不是不过量而是完全戒酒(abstain: 克制戒酒弃权),sobriety: 饮酒不过量严肃不炫耀, abstinence: 自愿的禁欲(deprive剥夺丧失),abstemiousness: 习惯性的克制不过量简朴(frugal),多指饮食方面, continence: 强调克制冲动和欲望,常表示性爱贞节或不过度。

记忆方法: 1)首字母联想,TSAAC: AS A ChinaTowner: 作为唐人街一员==>中庸节制

        2)有个谚语abstinece is the best medicine: 节制欲望(禁欲)是最好的良药。

        3)节制的意思是克制胃口欲望mean self-restraint in the gratification of appetites and desires.